Hello, I have this as my filter.sh file under postfix and it works just find.  The log 
file /tmp/currentspamlist.txt holds each transaction that we have.  What I would like 
to do is to also capture weather or not the email was a spam.  I was thinking that I 
could make a second call to spamc with the -c command and capture the STOUT but that 
would mean processing each message twice?  Is there a simple why to do what I am 
looking for?
I tried putting the -c into the script and I ended up getting a few emails containing 
the results.  I think its because it's piping the x/x code to STDOUT so sendmail is 
sending that instead.
/usr/bin/spamc  |  /usr/sbin/sendmail -i "$@"
echo `date` "$@" "$retval" >> /tmp/currentspamlist.txt
exit $retval

Gary Smith
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