On Tue, 25 Nov 2003, Brian Knittel wrote:

> Hi,
> Is there a way to inhibit auto-learning when any specific rule
> is matched? I noted that the auto-whitelist filters inhibit auto-
> learning, but can this be extended to arbitrary other rules?
> I'm my network's postmaster and I get nondeliverable message
> notifications quite frequently. These messages have a specific
> subject line, and I can see how to build a rule to guarantee
> they're never marked as spam:
> header   DELIVERY_FAIL_REPORT  Subject=Delivery Failure
> describe DELIVERY_FAIL_REPORT  Message is a delivery failure report
> score    DELIVERY_FAIL_REPORT  -99
> But -- since these messages also include a chunk of the
> nondeliverable message, I need to disable auto-learning, otherwise
> lots of juicy spam words will be seen as ham.
> Any suggestions will be greatly appreciated. I suppose I could
> redirect the notifications to an account that isn't filtered by
> SpamAssassin, but I'd like to keep things as they are, if possible.
> Thanks,
> Brian Knittel
In the man page for the SpamAssassin configuration file, in the
section on bayes_auto_learn it says:

        Note that certain tests are ignored when determining whether a
          message should be trained upon:
           - auto-whitelist (AWL)
           - rules with tflags set to 'learn' (the Bayesian rules)
           - rules with tflags set to 'userconf' (user white/black-listing
          rules, etc)

So all you need to do is to add a 'tflags' line to your rule definition:

  tflags    DELIVERY_FAIL_REPORT  userconf

Dave Funk                                  University of Iowa
<dbfunk (at) engineering.uiowa.edu>        College of Engineering
319/335-5751   FAX: 319/384-0549           1256 Seamans Center
Sys_admin/Postmaster/cell_admin            Iowa City, IA 52242-1527
#include <std_disclaimer.h>
Better is not better, 'standard' is better. B{

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