Thanks Simon

I am using stars as I used the Advosys how-to as my starting point. I've
started playing with the scripts and wondered if SA left any variables set
e.g. hit value, that I could use rather than re-reading the file as I
thought this would be much quicker. I count the actual values as I separate
non-spam, from marked and delivered (5+) and marked and dumped into a
spamtrap (10+).



-----Original Message-----
From: Simon Byrnand [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: 23 November 2003 22:54
To: Alan Munday; [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: Re: [SAtalk] Score

>Is there a better way, e.g. does SA set an exit code with the hit value in?

Better way than what ? Checking for X-Spam-Status: Yes or X-Spam-Flag: YES 
is the correct way to tell if a message has exceeded the threshold...while 
counting the stars is also ok for seeing if a message exceeded an arbitary 
threshold. (Remember though that since 2.60 it will never add more than 50 
stars regardless of the score being higher than that)


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