> -----Original Message-----
> From: Robert Menschel [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
> Sent: Wednesday, November 19, 2003 9:57 PM

> Hash: SHA1
> Hello Chris,
> Wednesday, November 19, 2003, 7:56:21 AM, you wrote:
> CS> Somtimes, and this may NOT be one of those times, 
> spammers will send
> CS> an empty message. At first I thought this was just their 
> stupidity.
> CS> But then I thought about it longer. It could be an 
> attempt to get a
> CS> few negative AWL points.
> It could be.  Doesn't work here.
> 1) Most empty messages are caught by Bayes -- So far this week I'm
> running 99.8172% accurate on spam, 4 FNs vs over 2000 spam, with no
> FPs.

I'm going to have to break down soon and use Bayes :) Just to keep up with
you guys. Spam wise, I'm catching about the same percentage without it. That
says something! However for someone who doesn't want to stare blindly at
spam headers/source I can see the gleam of Bayes ;)

> 2) If they aren't automatically caught by Bayes, they're fed to Bayes
> same day.

Anything not caught is subjected to my wrath, printed, torn, crunched, then
eaten! OK, I just look at it at write a rule.

> 3) I don't use AWL at all. With all the "from" spoofing that 
> goes on, and
> with these success rates, I see no reason to use AWL here.
> Bob Menschel

The AWL is basically because we get new customers all the time. Asian
customers seem to like to have 15 different email addies to drive me insane!
So the AWL has been a huge timesaver there. Spoofing if now caught with some
rules. Not many people use it, but it does help some. 

This just shows how cool SA is. Able to change per different environments.
I'm amazed at what you do with only user privileges, Bob!


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