I have been experimenting with rules that will catch periods and pipes
obfuscating text.  Attached is my punctuation.cf file.  It caught your

  *  0.5 -- BODY: MY: Word obfu by periods (a.bcd)
  *  0.5 -- BODY: MY: Word obfu by periods (abcde.fghij)
  *  0.5 -- BODY: MY: Word obfu by periods (abc.d)
  *  0.5 -- BODY: MY: Word obfu by periods (abc.defgh)
  *  0.5 -- BODY: MY: Word obfu by periods (abc.def)
  *  0.5 -- BODY: MY: Word obfu by periods (ab.cdefgh)
  *  0.5 -- BODY: MY: Word obfu by periods (abcd.e)
  *  0.5 -- BODY: MY: Word obfu by periods (ab.cdefghi)
  *  0.5 -- BODY: MY: Word obfu by periods (a.bcde)
  *  0.5 -- BODY: MY: Word obfu by periods (ab.cd)
  *  0.5 -- BODY: MY: Word obfu by periods (ab.cde)
  *  0.5 -- BODY: MY: Word obfu by periods (a.bcdefg)

The basic test looks like:
  rawbody  MY_RBDY_PDS_1P3    / [a-z]{1}\.[a-z]{3}[ \!\?]/I

Right now I am creating the iterations.  I am considering moving to
something like:
  rawbody  MY_RBDY_PDS_1P     / [a-z]{1}\.[a-z]{3,8}[ \!\?]/I

But for now it is what it is.

You will need to score as you see fit.  I am scoring low and looking for
FPs.  Have not found any yet but it does not mean that they will not crop up
so no guarantees!


-----Original Message-----
From: erin o'brien [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Tuesday, November 18, 2003 7:04 PM
Subject: [SA Hits: 14.10] [SAtalk] Spam Message not nearly picked up by

I am not a programmer, so I could not think of any "rule" to catch this one.
I only hope that someone here can. I have gotten quite a few of these (at
least two per day), and it's always from my forged email address from
someone named wilfred or arthur.


--big snip to get rid of HTML --

Attachment: punctuation.cf
Description: Binary data

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