On Wed, 12 Nov 2003 09:55:39 -0500, Matt Kettler <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> At 07:18 AM 11/12/03 -0500, Terry Milnes wrote:
> >Are the threads on this list screwed up by the list program, or is it just 
> >users replying to existing mail to create new?
> >
> >Just wondering, because it seems to be terribly messed up....
> That is a very common thing for people to do who don't use threading mail 
> readers... It's a lot easier to hit reply than it is to copy the list 
> address to a new message. Since many mail clients don't support threading, 
> many people have never even seen it, and thus don't realize it has any 
> impact at all.

This does seem to be the worst list I follow for threading errors in
general. Part of that is because this is also the most active list I
follow. More activity means more potential to errors (user or client).

Fortunately my email client has a thread manager that I can either join
un-threaded messages or cut the off topic ones. Even with this thread
manager sewing the messages of a thread back together is made difficult
by posters who do include the sender and date time stamp of the message
they are replying to. I hesitate to criticize these posters because many
of them are great contributors to the list.


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