I've been getting a particular spam repeatedly that manages to slip through
SA virtually every time - I've posted most of it (edited for
inoffensiveness, and to munge the URL's so he doesn't get hits) here along
with the SA analysis:

(begin spam)
Received: (qmail 5167 invoked by alias); 14 Nov 2003 06:27:39 -0000
Received: (qmail 5164 invoked from network); 14 Nov 2003 06:27:38 -0000
Received: from el-4-mx-15.relia-network.net (HELO mail.ilinear.com)
  by booboo.janeshouse.com ( with ESMTP; 14 Nov 2003 06:27:38
Received: by mail.ilinear.com; Thu, 13 Nov 2003 23:26:51 -0700
(envelope-from <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>)
Content-Type: multipart/alternative; boundary="----=_Y7ndKJ9s_pls8YRsc_D"
Subject: Tomorrow
MIME-Version: 1.0
From: "Mark" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Date: Thu, 13 Nov 2003 23:26:51 -0700
X-Spam-Checker-Version: SpamAssassin 2.60 (1.212-2003-09-23-exp) on
X-Spam-Status: No, hits=1.4 required=4.5 tests=HTML_FONTCOLOR_UNKNOWN,
X-Spam-Level: *

Content-Type: text/plain
Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit

Exc1us1ve v1de0s of (-deleted-):

Push th1s to st0p your future newz:
httx://el4.inumberone.com/m/[EMAIL PROTECTED]

Content-Type: text/html
Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit

<body><!-- magenta --><CENTER><!-- cappucino -->
<img src="httx://el4.inumberone.com/m/v/368663/1007/mustang.jpg">
<!-- cappucino --><!-- cappucino --><!-- cappucino --><!-- cappucino --><!--
cappucino --><!-- cappucino --><a
href="httx://el4.inumberone.com/m/c/368663/1007/1125" target="_blank">
<!-- cappucino --><!-- cappucino --><!-- cappucino --><!-- cappucino --><!--
cappucino -->
<center><img src="httx://el4.inumberone.com/tours/tb/bcws/bcws1.jpg"
width="641" height="435" border="0"></center>
<!-- cappucino --></a><!-- cappucino --><!-- cappucino -->
<p><!-- cappucino --><!-- cappucino --><!-- cappucino --><!-- cappucino -->
<!-- cappucino --><!-- cappucino --><!-- cappucino --><!-- cappucino -->
<!-- cappucino --><!-- cappucino --><!-- cappucino --><!-- cappucino -->
<a href="httx://el4.inumberone.com/m/[EMAIL PROTECTED]">
<!-- cappucino --><!-- cappucino --><!-- cappucino --><!-- cappucino -->
<!-- cappucino --><!-- cappucino --><!-- cappucino -->
<img src="httx://el4.inumberone.com/tours/rm4.gif" width="453" height="47"
<!-- cappucino --><!-- cappucino --><!-- cappucino --><!-- cappucino --><!--
cappucino --></a>
</p><!-- cappucino --><!-- cappucino --><!-- cappucino --><!-- cappucino
--><!-- cappucino -->
<FONT SIZE=1 COLOR="white">

(inserted here was a two-paragraph news story about the Beltway Sniper case)


(end spam)

Now, I'm a newbie where it comes to actually trying to figure out how to
make SA better, but I see at least one test that could be created/used here:
the username that the spammer uses is identical to the victim username, just
from a different domain.  That's rare enough that it would likely be a
spammer signature.  It also didn't pick up that my e-mail address is
embedded in the body.

I wouldn't rule out that I've done something wrong with SA for it to miss
these (I get about 2-3 similar ones per week), but it does capture the vast
bulk of my spam successfully.

-  Josh Turiel                                       [EMAIL PROTECTED]
I have an existentialist map.  It has "you are here" written all over it.
-Steven Wright

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