The ISP I work for is currently using SA site-wide with flat config files and no user config files. There are three boxes running SA that are connected to by the SMTP host, and we scp the configs between the three machines. The users have home directories on the SMTP box, but no shell access. They do not have home directories or access to the SA hosts.
I'm investigating setting up MySQL-based configs and allowing users to update their preferences with WebUserPrefs. I've been testing this on a separate box, and it looks like setting configs will work without a problem. But, what I want to know is how in this situation can I do per-user Bayesian filtering and databases? It appears that using SQL-based prefs and virtual config directories are mutually exclusive. It this the case? I suppose the alternative would be using file-based user configs, in a virtual directory, and NFS mount that directory across all three SA boxen. But *shiver* I don't want to use NFS. Any help would be appreciated. Mike Jackson Technical Manager, ------------------------------------------------------- This SF. Net email is sponsored by: GoToMyPC GoToMyPC is the fast, easy and secure way to access your computer from any Web browser or wireless device. Click here to Try it Free! _______________________________________________ Spamassassin-talk mailing list [EMAIL PROTECTED]