On Thu, Nov 13, 2003 at 04:11:25PM -0600, Michael Howell wrote:
> I'm more or less a newbie to Perl, so can you explain why your form is 
> better?  All I see is 2 distinct ways of selecting from a set.

Well, it's kind of a long discussion about backtracking and state machines
... ;)  I'd recommend "Mastering Regular Expressions" from O'Reilly. :)

The semi-short version is that:


says find a string "a" or "b" or "c", and it has to backtrack if it
doesn't find it, etc, etc.  in the state machine, it's 3 nodes (one
for each).


says find a character a, b, or c.  it just accepts any of the three and
moves on.  in the state machine, it's a single node which accepts any
of the three.

The short-short version is: it's faster and it takes less memory. ;)

There may be something in perlre about it too, but I haven't looked in
a while.

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