1) Is procmail really installed? If you type "procmail" in the shell, does
it execute?
2) Is procmail hooked up properly to your MTA?

Chris Thielen

Easily generate SpamAssassin rules to catch obfuscated spam phrases:

maximo lopez said:
> in my last email I sent my procmail file , I am sending again
> I follow the install file step by step, the only think I can't install was
> the pyzor , all the other steps for system wide was successfully install
> then I finish the installation and I re-start the freebsd, and I am still
> receiving Spam , none of the emails was stop ???
> what should I check , what's next ???
> best regards
> ----- Original Message -----
> From: "Evan Platt" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> To: "spamAssassin" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Sent: Thursday, November 13, 2003 12:26 PM
> Subject: Re: [SAtalk] instalation problems
>> --On Thursday, November 13, 2003 11:16 AM -0600 maximo lopez
>> <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>> > I don't know how to do that , that is why I can't
>> >
>> > please help me
>> Not to be rude, but unless I'm misunderstanding you.. if you don't know
> how
>> to copy and paste your procmail to a e-mail, installing SpamAssassin is
>> probably going to be a huge undertaking.
>> SpamAssassin has manuals. Anything else, we can obviously help, however
>> details help. And posting a question like "SpamAssassin isn't working. I
>> think it's my procmail. Help." - you probably aren't going to get any
>> replies.
>> What WOULD help are details of what isn't working - are messages being
>> marked as spam at all? How is SpamAssassin being called, how are you
>> determining it isn't working, etc.
>> Evan
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