Hi Rajdeep,

> I have successfully installed the SA. but I am not able to filer the
> content. Any stuff which I want to filter in there in the rules
> but not getting filter. What I have to do with this?
> For e.g I have to filter the vulgar stuff. But it does not filterit.
> local.cf is as follows:-

Are you asking why SA is not tagging spams?  Or do you mean that the
default SA rules don't seem to be running?  Or do you mean that there
are emails still coming through containing content you would like to
filter that is not covered by the default rules??  I'm pretty unclear
what your question is.  Maybe try asking it another way.  I probably
wont be the one that will be able to answer you  :)  but I think the
question may be a little unclear.  I would ask what seems too obvious;
did you restart after you made your changes to the local file?


> # SpamAssassin config file for version 2.5x
> # generated by http://www.yrex.com/spam/spamconfig.php (version 1.01)
> # How many hits before a message is considered spam.
> required_hits           2.0
> # Whether to change the subject of suspected spam
> rewrite_subject         1
> # Text to prepend to subject if rewrite_subject is used
> subject_tag             *****SPAM*****
> # Encapsulate spam in an attachment
> report_safe             2
> # Use terse version of the spam report
> use_terse_report        0
> # Enable the Bayes system
> use_bayes               1
> # Enable Bayes auto-learning
> auto_learn              1
> # Enable or disable network checks
> skip_rbl_checks         0
> use_razor2              1
> use_dcc                 1
> use_pyzor               1
> # Mail using languages used in these country codes will not be marked
> # as being possibly spam in a foreign language.
> ok_languages            all
> # Mail using locales used in these country codes will not be marked
> # as being possibly spam in a foreign language.
> ok_locales              all
> Help!!!
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