Hello David,

Looks good...

Friday, November 7, 2003, 10:03:38 PM, you wrote:

>>>> Or better: what if we specified in the rule a maximum score to accumulate
>>>> to? ...

DBF> ... for each rule add two new variables: 'maxhits', default to the
DBF> value 1 & 'nhits' init to 0. ... 

DBF> The score part, added to 'hits' is 'nhits' * score for that rule.

DBF> So if you leave maxhits = 1 for each rule (the default),  you have
DBF> everything working as it does right now. The accumulating part only
DBF> kicks in if a "maxhits=n" argument is added to a particular rule.

I like it.

DBF> Thus you would only need to modify one user-visible part of the
DBF> conf stuff, add the "maxhits=" argument. All other rule stuff would
DBF> still look & act the same (in default).

Good.  For readability, and because this is, after all, a scoring
parameter, instead of adding it to the regex part of a rule, as in my
earlier example, I'd suggest adding it to the score part, as in
> score  T_SAMPLE  0.5,maxhits=6

DBF> Looking at Robert's  'T_SAMPLE' example from his previous message,
DBF> you would implement it as: 

DBF> body      __T_SAMPLE  /(?:word1|word2|word3|word4|word5)/i,maxhits=6
DBF> meta      T_SAMPLE (__T_SAMPLE)
DBF> score     T_SAMPLE  0.5
DBF> describe  T_SAMPLE  Message has medical words frequently used in spam
DBF> meta      T_SAMPLEA ( __T_SAMPLE > 5 )
DBF> score     T_SAMPLEA 2.0

This eliminates the need for T_SAMPLEA altogether.  Using your
description, simply specify
> score T_SAMPLE  0.5,maxhits=5
and the score will be between 0 (no hits), 0.5 (1 hit), and 2.5 (5 or
more hits).

Bob Menschel

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