my @stuff = (

my @otherstuff = sort {
        (my $numa) = ($a =~ m/\.(\d+)\./);
        (my $numb) = ($b =~ m/\.(\d+)\./);
        $numa <=> $numb || $a cmp $b
} @stuff;

print "original: " . join(', ', @stuff) . "\n";
print "new: " . join(', ', @otherstuff) . "\n";

original: maillog.11.gz, maillog.2.gz, maillog.10.gz, maillog,
maillog.1.gz, maillog.3.gz
new: maillog, maillog.1.gz, maillog.2.gz, maillog.3.gz, maillog.10.gz,


Chris Thielen

Easily generate SpamAssassin rules to catch obfuscated spam phrases:

ian douglas said:
> My new mailstats.pl script (matt's script with a few tweaks) is giving me
> some grief.
> My maillog files are named:
> maillog (for today)
> maillog.1.gz
> maillog.2.gz
> etc
> maillog.10.gz
> etc
> When Matt's script does the 'sort', it sorts it as:
> maillog
> maillog.1.gz
> maillog.10.gz
> maillog.11.gz
> maillog.2.gz
> maillog.3.gz
> etc.
> Short of renaming my files, does anyone know a Perl tweak to get around
> this, or a tweak to logrotate to make the log number a 2-digit number?
> -id

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