> I have a rule challenge for you all.

Accepted :-)

> How can we write a rule to catch messages like the one 
> attached? I have had
> a few slip through today like this. As did Ray Dzek who 
> attached a similar
> message in his post "What is with all this ()*&(*& in my 
> inbox?". It seems
> that they are using a lot of seperate cells to screw with Bayes and
> obfuscate all the text. This message even misses BANG_OPRAH 
> because of it.
> I'm not sure there is an easy way to test for this, short of 
> creating a mini
> HTML renderer. Can anyone think of a good starting point? 
> Anyone else get
> messages like these often?
> cheers,
> Colin

Just needs a variation of my older rule:

rawbody MY_MANY_BR /<br><br><br><br><br>/i
describe MY_MANY_BR Tooo many <br>'s!
score MY_MANY_BR .45

maybe something like this:

rawbody MY_MANY_BR2 /<br>.{6,14}<br>.{6,14}<br>.{6,14}<br>.{6,14}<br>/i
describe MY_MANY_BR2 Tooo many <br>'s!
score MY_MANY_BR2 .45

And so on.....

Chris Santerre 
System Admin and SA Custom Rules Emporium keeper 
"A little nonsense now and then, is relished by the wisest men." - Willy

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