
Thanks for this very cool work.  It seems to work great so far... I'm
going to run it a while and see what kind of results I get over time.

Since I run Debian (and have customized packages before) it was relatively
easy for me to install your patch.  Any recommendations for those (on this
list and beyond) who don't use Debian?


PS. I don't know why I keep trying to improve my SA setup... no spam has
gotten past in months ;)

Florian L. Klein said:
> Since spammers often host their spamvertised sites at spamfriendly ISPs
> (e. g. Chinanet), I've been doing some tests with "hat-checking"
> spamvertised URLs.
> After resolving the URL hostname, the resulting IPs get RBL-checked
> against *.blackholes.us to find if they belong to a known spamfriendly
> ISP. If yes, the spam score will rise. For example, Chinanet is "worth"
> 4.0 points, as almost any email containing a link to a site hosted at
> Chinanet is spam.
> For high-traffic environments it is really useful to mirror all used
> *.blackholes.us zones, if possible on a DNS running on the MTA host
> itself. The amount of DNS lookups per email is quite high, but most
> spammers spamvertise the same IP quite often, and *.blackholes.us uses
> long TTL values.
> This way spammers will have a problem - they may choose a spamfriendly
> ISP, but they'll have more of their spam emails filtered. Or they choose
> a "white-hat" ISP and don't get filtered but kicked.
> Sorry if a similar idea has been mentioned before, but IMHO it is quite
> useful to beat spammers with their own weapons, of which black-hat ISPs
> are a major one.
> My patch against SpamAssassin 2.60 (Debian/unstable: 2.60-2)
> http://docsnyder.de/nospam/sa_check_blackhat_isps.patch.gz
> Sample output:
> ---
> Content analysis details:   (9.1 points, 5.0 required)
>  pts rule name              description
> ---- ----------------------
> -----------------------------------------------
>  0.1 HTML_70_80             BODY: Message is 70% to 80% HTML
>  0.1 MIME_HTML_ONLY         BODY: Message only has text/html MIME parts
>  0.0 HTML_MESSAGE           BODY: HTML included in message
>  2.2 HTML_IMAGE_ONLY_02     BODY: HTML: images with 0-200 bytes of words
>  0.8 BIZ_TLD                URI: Contains a URL in the BIZ top-level
> domain
>  0.4 DATE_IN_PAST_12_24     Date: is 12 to 24 hours before Received: date
>  2.5 HOSTED_AT_HE           RBL: Uses a URL hosted at HE.net
>                             [ listed in he.blackholes.us]
>  3.0 HOSTED_IN_CHINA        RBL: Uses a URL hosted in China
>                             [ listed in
> china.blackholes.us]
> ---
> Without the URL IP tests, spam score would have been 3.6...
> /.
> DocSnyder.
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