Hi all, I'm just wondering why RCVD_IN_DYNABLOCK was a hit, when I sent a email from my localhost with kmail using the SMTP server at mail.student.cs.uwaterloo.ca to address [EMAIL PROTECTED]
This is the proper way of sending email from a cable IP right? to use a smtp server from a static well respected IP? Here's the message with headers. Thanks, Pedro Received: from localhost (localhost []) by p2sam-pc.rogers.com (8.12.10/8.12.10) with ESMTP id hA375bbc004086 for <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>; Mon, 3 Nov 2003 02:05:38 -0500 X-YahooPOPs-Folder: Inbox X-Apparently-To: [EMAIL PROTECTED] via; Sun, 02 Nov 2003 23:05:01 -0800 Received: from localhost [] by localhost with POP3 (fetchmail-6.2.5) for [EMAIL PROTECTED] (single-drop); Mon, 03 Nov 2003 02:05:38 -0500 (EST) Received: from (EHLO services04.student.cs.uwaterloo.ca) ( by mta152.mail.scd.yahoo.com with SMTP; Sun, 02 Nov 2003 23:05:01 -0800 Received: from (CPE0004e24b9419-CM000a7365d82c.cpe.net.cable.rogers.com []) (authenticated (0 bits)) by services04.student.cs.uwaterloo.ca (8.11.7/8.11.7) with ESMTP id hA3750g14712 for <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>; Mon, 3 Nov 2003 02:05:00 -0500 (EST) From: Pedro Sam <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> Reply-To: [EMAIL PROTECTED] To: [EMAIL PROTECTED] Subject: qwer Date: Mon, 3 Nov 2003 02:04:54 -0500 User-Agent: KMail/1.5.4 MIME-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset="us-ascii" Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit Content-Disposition: inline Message-Id: <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> X-Spam-DCC: servers: p2sam-pc 1049; IP=ok Body=1 Fuz1=1 X-Spam-Checker-Version: SpamAssassin 2.60 (1.212-2003-09-23-exp) on p2sam-pc.rogers.com X-Spam-Pyzor: Reported 0 times. X-Spam-Status: No, hits=1.5 required=5.0 tests=AWL,BAYES_30,FORGED_YAHOO_RCVD, RCVD_IN_DYNABLOCK autolearn=no version=2.60 X-Spam-Level: * X-UID: 2507 asdf -- Vote for ME -- I'm well-tapered, half-cocked, ill-conceived and TAX-DEFERRED! ------------------------------------------------------- This SF.net email is sponsored by: SF.net Giveback Program. Does SourceForge.net help you be more productive? Does it help you create better code? SHARE THE LOVE, and help us help YOU! Click Here: http://sourceforge.net/donate/ _______________________________________________ Spamassassin-talk mailing list [EMAIL PROTECTED] https://lists.sourceforge.net/lists/listinfo/spamassassin-talk