On Thu, 30 Oct 2003 14:53:09 -0800, Kenneth Porter
<[EMAIL PROTECTED]> posted to
 > In other code (MIMEDefang) I've seen the use of a positional
 > parameter list (eg. "($$$$)") on functions to ensure that enough
 > values are passed. Does it make sense for SA to start using this?

You can't do that with object-oriented code because the parameter list
is checked at compile time and you can't know at that point what's
right for a class. (Skimping over the parts I don't remember exactly
-- see the Camel Book or the perltoot man page, just before SEE ALSO.)

However, of course you can use something like

  (defined $atime ? $atime : 0)

or the new fancy // operator which is going to be in a future version
of Perl. <http://use.perl.org/articles/03/09/26/2231256.shtml?tid=6>

If you can come up with a test case which triggers the bug, I imagine
it won't be hard to fix.

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