I have, from time to time, published stats generated by my mailstats2.pl Perl script. Pretty much every time I get mail remarking on how pretty the output is and asking for a copy.
Since I can't put it up on the corporate webserver at work, I'll offer to post it if: 1) Anyone is interested, and 2) Nobody objects. It's 181 lines of not-particularly-pretty Perl, about half of which is comments and whitespace. I'm asking in advance, since it's not *directly* SA-related, and I didn't want to start a flurry of program-posting that'd wind me up in lots of killfiles or get people complaining to my ISP. -- Mike Andrews [EMAIL PROTECTED] Tired old sysadmin ------------------------------------------------------- This SF.net email is sponsored by: SF.net Giveback Program. Does SourceForge.net help you be more productive? Does it help you create better code? SHARE THE LOVE, and help us help YOU! Click Here: http://sourceforge.net/donate/ _______________________________________________ Spamassassin-talk mailing list [EMAIL PROTECTED] https://lists.sourceforge.net/lists/listinfo/spamassassin-talk