At Tue Oct 28 06:30:43 2003,  wilma  wrote:
> Thanks everybody! I will use "score FORGED_MUA_IMS 0" in
> But could someone explain why SA looks to be inconsistent in its
> tests (or maybe I'm missinterpreting):
> X-Spam-Status: No, hits=2.0 required=5.0
> autolearn=no version=2.60 

<snip> Content analysis details: (12.8 points, 5.0 required)

>  pts rule name              description
> ---- ---------------------- --------------------------------------------------
>  0.0 HTML_MESSAGE           BODY: HTML included in message
>  0.1 MIME_HTML_ONLY         BODY: Message only has text/html MIME parts
>  2.2 HTML_IMAGE_ONLY_02     BODY: HTML: images with 0-200 bytes of words
>  0.7 MIME_HTML_NO_CHARSET   RAW: Message text in HTML without charset
>  1.1 FORGED_MUA_IMS         Forged mail pretending to be from IMS
>  4.3 FORGED_IMS_HTML        IMS can't send HTML message only
>  4.3 FORGED_IMS_TAGS        IMS mailers can't send HTML in this format
> First it says "No, hits 2.0", and then it scores the mail to 12.8!?

The normal reason for this is that you're running the message through
spamassassin twice.  The first run gets a higher score because it's
examining the headers of the original spam.  The spam is then
encapsulated as an attachment, and the second run scans the new
message.  The new message does not have spammy headers and hence gets
a lower score.

I'm puzzled as to how both got the FORGED_MUA_IMS, though, if the
encapsulation did happen.

Martin Radford              |   "Only wimps use tape backup: _real_ 
[EMAIL PROTECTED] | men just upload their important stuff  -o)
Registered Linux user #9257 |  on ftp and let the rest of the world  /\\
- see |       mirror it ;)"  - Linus Torvalds _\_V

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