Hello Andrea,

Sunday, October 26, 2003, 6:14:37 PM, you wrote:

AR> Hi,

AR> I would change this test in sa:
AR> 0.5 FORGED_YAHOO_RCVD 'From' yahoo.com does not match

AR> Normally is 0.5, I need to increment this.
AR> Could I do this in my local.cf?

Yes, for system-wide effect, or in user_prefs for individual users.

Be careful with this one.  I know a lot of people who use
[EMAIL PROTECTED] as an email address for a variety of reasons, but who
send out their email from normal POP3 or IMAP email clients at home or
work. Since their email doesn't pass through the yahoo.com system on its
way to you, their email will get flagged with this test.

I've bumped up dozens of standard test scores (over 100 of them), and
this one I've left alone.

(FYI, out of a 39k corpus, I have about 2200 messages that hit this rule,
and just under 100 of those are ham. So I need to figure that 4% to 5% of
all hits on this rule is going to be a proper non-spam email.)

Bob Menschel

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