> With this information logged, another tool could be written (and which I'd
> like to play with doing, if no one has as yet) which would track the number
> of spams delivered from each specific IP.
> Then you could proavtively turn off this IP at your gateway. Sure, X number
> of spams (5? 10? 100?) get in, but after that, this trojaned box, or open
> relay, or whatever, no longer can get to your mail gateway for some amount
> of time. You could stop access for an hour, a day, a week, whatever suits
> your fancy.

You might want to correlate this against the number of non-spam emails from that 
address as well.  Otherwise you might block a major ISP because a ton of spam is 
bounced through them (which may or may not be what you want to do...?)

Having the non-spam number would at least allow you to block those who send nothing 
but spam with a higher confidence than IP's who send a mixed bag

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