
We are going to support some other small businesses by hosting their email.  They are 
inumdated with spam, and are crying UNCLE!!!

What I need to know is, for the whole machine I will probably ratchet down my rules a 
bit to make certain that most things are being marked correctly and that some of their 
customers are not being excluded.  (some of their business associates are, I'm SURE, 
bad corporate citizens)

This begs the question though, if I can separate out, by DOMAIN, the behaviour of 
Spamassassin and Procmail.  I tried once to write a proper procmail entry to do some 
but was completely unable to get assistance, and so I gave up.

If I want a particular behaviour for say, domain   MYHOME.COM,  how would I write a 
procmail rule?

Finally, is there a way to establish a local.cf file for a GROUP of users?  Or would I 
just put the rules in each user's directory?  And is that /home/fred, for example for 
user Fred?

I appreciate any help on this.

Mairhtin O'Feannag

Mairhtin O'Feannag
Tech Solutions Group LLC.
po box 14439
San Francisco, Ca. 94114-0439
415.377.6655 (cell)

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