On Fri, Oct 17, 2003 at 11:30:19AM -0500, Jeff Funk wrote:
> We were having issues with SA slowing to a crawl and messages backing up
> in the queue so I decided to try cgpsa and see if the problem would go
> away.  After getting it set up yesterday, everything performed perfectly
> for about 16 hours and 55000 messages.  Then, all of a sudden, at around
> 9am CDT, it started to bog down again.  I ended up shutting down CGP and
> when I was watching the logs, I would see cgpsa closing down and saying
> it had finished scanning messages in 2600 seconds.  Something was
> introducing a huge amount of delay.  I've shut off dnsrbl in SA and also
> tried cgpsa without CLI mode enabled, all with the same result.  When I
> fire it up, it fires about 80 messages into cgpsa and then things start
> to hang up.  The only other clue I've got is the cgpsa.err log below.
> Any clues???
I'm going to bet you are swapping to death.  If using spamd/spamc, check
out spamd's -m option.  Better to let a couple through unscanned than to
take the machine down.

Scott Lambert

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