guenther <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

> By default SA attaches suspected SPAM mails in non text/plain format as
> "Content-Disposition: attached", which means for me, that the mail only
> is displayed when I willingly click a button.
> This is very inconvenient for quickly scanning the SPAM mails for false
> positives. As I setup my MUA to not download images and no scripts will
> be executed, I don't mind these SPAM mails being displayed. So, here is
> the question:
> Is it possible, to set "Content-Disposition: inline" for all SPAM mails,
> regardless of their content?

You could just shut off safe reporting if you trust your MUA, just put
"report_safe 0" in your user_prefs.
> Can SA do this for me, or would I have to rewrite the message? Any hints
> welcome. SA feature I just overlooked? Procmail recipe?

Well, you could write a script and pipe the SpamAssassin output through
it in procmail.  You'd want to be careful to only change the SA
Content-Disposition, but that's possible.  Or you could just modify the
source in  Look for '$disposition = $inline";'

Note that "inline" is used (in 2.60, I don't remember what 2.55 did) if
the message is lacking a Content-Type: header or the Content-Type:
header is text/plain.

Daniel Quinlan                     anti-spam (SpamAssassin), Linux, and open   source consulting (looking for new work)

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