Did anyone else get a nasty email this morning? I did! This weekend ROCKED
for my SA config. Jennifer, if you were here I'd kiss you and the deaf cat
;) Your rules bring a huge smile to my logs! Now check out this fan mail:

*Warning, foul language nearby*

You are a piss head for hacking my site and informing my isp !!! Fuck you
if your a man you should come here and tell me in my face
A man needs to make a living you know, Now you think my isp is going to do
something to stop me ?
Nice try. I have added your email address to every fucking spam list I can
Next time youll fuck with the right person

Ahahahah, oh and their ISP took down the account!! And this email was sent
from a UPENN account!! Guess who got an email today? Yup, UPENN abuse!
Apparently I'm not the only one getting these. I tracked down the provider's
provider's provider. :-) Anyone who reported this guy got nasty email. Funny
thing is, I never reported anyone. He must have had a domain in my evil
rules! But the only domain I have for him was www.kievonline.org which
wasn't in them, so it must have been another. 

The provider said it was a russian reseller who sold to a ukraine customer.
Yet the whois is in dallas with fax and phone outside the US. :) 

Added me to every spam list! THANKS!!! So you want to send spam to the guy
who takes the spam, makes a list, that others download to block? LOL.  They
just don't get it do they? Taking me off the lists would help spammers more!
I have no honeypot emails, just legit ones they send to. 

What a great morning this has been! :-)

Chris Santerre 
System Admin and SA Custom Rules Emporium keeper 
"A little nonsense now and then, is relished by the wisest men." - Willy

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