I created a list which might be helpful, using a dictionary I searched for
letter pairs which did not exist.  I created the following meta rule to
search for these non-existant pairs, it might do just what you are looking

body  __OBFU_J  /j(b|c|f|g|w)/i
body  __OBFU_OTHER /(vj|vk|xj|xk|yy|zf|zj)/i
body  __OBFU_Q0 /(j|k|p|q|t|v|w|z)q/i
body  __OBFU_Q1 /q(a|f|h|j|k|m|n|s|y)/i
body  __OBFU_V  /(f|g|q|w)v/i
body  __OBFU_X  /(c|g|j|k|q|s|v|z)x/i
body  __OBFU_Z  /(f|j|k|p|q|x)z/i
meta  FVGT_m_MULTI_ODD ((__OBFU_J + __OBFU_OTHER + __OBFU_Q0 + __OBFU_Q1 +
__OBFU_V + __OBFU_X + __OBFU_Z) > 2)
describe FVGT_m_MULTI_ODD FVGT - contains multiple odd letter combinations
score  FVGT_m_MULTI_ODD 0.4

You can modify the score to what you want, I'm keeping it low so I can keep
an eye on how this rule performs.

Frederic Tarasevicius
Internet Information Services, Inc.

Larry Gilson wrote:
> Does anyone know of a list of either:
> 1) existing/allowed consonant/vowel pairs or sequences
> 2) non-existing/not-allowed consonant/vowel pairs or sequences
> For the English language preferably.
> Thanks,
> Larry
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