Larry Gilson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: > I had the following HTML tag OBFU rule (variant of yours): > /(\>|\s)\w{1,5}?\<\/?\s?[\w\s]{6,150}\/?\s?\>\w{1,7}?(\s|\W|\<)/
There's a lot of clutter in that that makes it harder to follow. Let's try paring it down. First, '<' and '>' are not special on their own in regexes, so there's no need to backslash them: /(>|\s)\w{1,5}?<\/?\s?[\w\s]{6,150}\/?\s?>\w{1,7}?(\s|\W|<)/ When you have an alternation -- something like '(a|b|c)' -- where all the alternatives are single characters, it's better to write it as a character class -- something like '[abc]'. Also, '\s' and '<' are both included in '\W', so that last alternation is equivalent to just '\W': /[>\s]\w{1,5}?<\/?\s?[\w\s]{6,150}\/?\s?>\w{1,7}?\W/ Now, nongreedy matching serves no purpose when the thing following it can't be matched by the thing being repeated. In this case you have '\w{1,5}?' followed by '<', but '<' can't match '\w', so there's no difference between greedy and nongreedy matching there. The matching for the series of '\w' characters has to go all the way to the '<' -- it can't stop short. Similarly, the '\W' at the end can never match the '\w' preceding it, so that '?' is also pointless: /[>\s]\w{1,5}<\/?\s?[\w\s]{6,150}\/?\s?>\w{1,7}\W/ That regex is equivalent to your original one, and may help you see better why it's not matching as you expect. It's looking for a '>' or whitespace character (space, tab, carriage return, line feed, form feed), followed by 1 to 5 word characters (letters, numbers, and underscores), followed by '<', followed by an optional '/', followed by an optional single whitespace character, followed by 6 to 150 word or whitespace characters, followed by an optional '/', followed by an optional single whitespace character, followed by '>', followed by 1 to 7 word characters, followed by a nonword character (anything other than letters, numbers, and underscore). I'm not clear on what you want to match, but that's probably not it. -- Keith C. Ivey <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> Washington, DC ------------------------------------------------------- This email is sponsored by: Giveback Program. hosts over 70,000 Open Source Projects. See the people who have HELPED US provide better services: Click here: _______________________________________________ Spamassassin-talk mailing list [EMAIL PROTECTED]