> > I run a cron job to --force-expiry every 4 hours because I 
> cant get it 
> > to do it automatically, that is why it last expired at Noon.  If I 
> > look at my spamd debug log, I see this....
> Unless you get a billion mails an hour (ish), this isn't 
> going to help you much.

approx 20,000/hr... when bayes is shut off, loads go from 2.0-3.0
average, to 0.75-1.25 avg.  this load increase came about when i moved
from 2.55 to 2.60, so i'm just trying to figure out whats different in
the bayes implementation if anything?

bayes db sits around 20 to 22 MB when expired, and can grow to around
40MB until the next expiry occurs.  is there alot of overhead in tie-ing
and untie-ing to the _toks, and is there much difference in wether its
20 MB or 40MB?


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