Sheesh, how much for a Gig of RAM now, about 200 Euros or so?

What's the problem?

William L. Polhemus, Jr. P.E.
Polhemus Engineering Company
Katy, Texas USA

-----Original Message-----
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Kai
Sent: Monday, October 06, 2003 9:12 AM
Subject: [SAtalk] spamd grabbing LOOOOOOTs of memory

spamd shows about 13 MB at startup in top, after a few seconds it's at 28 
MB (it used to be around 23 MB or so with 2.55) and stays this way for 
days (and before this for weeks until an occasional restart). Then 
suddenly it starts to grab memory so heavily that it effects system 
performance after a while. Once I found it at 80 MB, today I found it at 
800 MB. Doing a "rcspamd restart" didn't stop it, only a seperate start / 
stop did it, although restart just does the same (but much quicker). On 
the first occasion I saw the 80 MB the machine had also died away in the 
night before the first time ever and I fear it was due to spamd grabbing 
so much memory that it eventually crashed.

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