This was from the virus list. Interesting. I wonder if they are using this
to do the DDOS attacks?

Figured I would pass it on. 

--Chris Santerre

> -----Original Message-----
> From: Brian *munged*
> Sent: Thursday, September 25, 2003 1:05 PM
> To: Focus-Virus
> Subject: Analysis of a Spam Trojan
> I discovered a machine in our building spewing Spam on 9/23/2003. It
> exhibited behavior similar to other mysterious ones we've seen on
> campus. A co-worker and I went and found the machine. It was a Windows
> XP machine from the dorms that had been turned in to the 
> helpline staff
> to have them clean it up for Welchia. They had cleaned up the Welchia
> worm and were in the process of applying further patches when 
> the person
> working on it got called out to work on something else. So, 
> we sat down
> at it and checked it out.
> We found a couple of suspicious files that Symantec AntiVirus CE
> (definition files were dated 9/17/2003) was not flagging as infected.
> They were:
> c:\windows\system32\audio.exe
> c:\windows\system32\sznwjhf.dll
> The file c:\windows\system32\sznwjhf.dll was being run as an
> application by rundll32.exe, and was configured in the registry to
> boot at startup. Due to it using rundll32, it is not displayed in the
> Processes tab of the Windows Task Manager (not even as rundll32).
> Deleting it from the registry or disabling it via Msconfig would only
> remove it for a couple of seconds - the running process would put it
> back right away. (System Restore had already been disabled before
> this point, so that was not to blame.)
> I copied those two files to a USB pen drive. Note that Windows would
> not let me delete sznwjhf.dll, even in Safe Mode. I booted to a
> Windows 98 startup disk that was laying around and deleted it via
> that. I was then able to go into Windows and delete the registry
> entry.
> I submitted the sznwjhf.dll file to Symantec (at that point in time,
> I had no idea that audio.exe was malware - it was on a hunch of
> my co-workers that I grabbed it) that day. They responded 
> yesterday that
> it was Backdoor.Coreflood, and sent me beta virus definitions. I
> confirmed that those definitions caught it, and noticed that 
> they caught
> audio.exe as a generic file "Download.Trojan". I have since verified
> that yesterday's (non-beta) LiveUpdate release does in fact identify
> these files as infected.
> I read Symantec and McAfee's write-up of Coreflood, and was not
> satisfied. This variant has several differences, particularly it's
> size. The DLL file is 111 KB, much larger than the McAfee writeup
> showed.
> So, I fired up an instance of VMWare and ran audio.exe on it. At the
> same time, I was sniffing traffic to/from that computer with
> Ethereal. I soon discovered that audio.exe was indeed the infection
> vector...
> Shortly after running audio.exe (6 KB), the VMWare instance made a
> connection to and issued a GET request for
> /test/tracker.exe. In the GET request, it identified the host as
> "", which I believe is required in order to
> download the /test/tracker.exe file. (When I went to the
> site manually, I got a 404 not found error when trying
> to download the file. So, don't fire up your Web browser and try to
> download the file, then assume this threat has disappeared 
> just because
> you get the 404 error.)
> At this point in time, the DLL now exists in the %SYSTEM% directory,
> and the registry entry has been created. (Note: the DLL name 
> is a random
> 7 character string, and thus will vary greatly.)
> After that, the VMWare instance made a POST to
>, containing information regarding
> the now-infected computer, including the date and time of 
> infection and
> the ports that the Socks and HTTP proxy are running on. In this POST,
> the host was identified as "".
> Note that machines that are not newly infected appear to make 
> this POST
> request shortly after being restarted. I assume but do not 
> know for sure
> that the proxy ports are randomly chosen each time the 
> malware is loaded
> (basically, upon reboot).
> After that, the VMWare made a "GET / HTTP/1.1" request to
> The GET request listed the host as
> "". Again, this appears to be required, as
> navigating to that Web server manually results in an error. The
> result of this HTTP request appears to be benign. The resulting HTML,
> which is never displayed on the now-infected client, appears to be a
> slightly old version of Microsoft's home page. My assumption would be
> that this is just one more machine that is being used to log infected
> hosts by looking at the GET requests, presumably in case the other
> one gets taken down.
> Note that I have never seen *any* IRC traffic going to/from these
> hosts. The write-ups for Coreflood by McAfee and Symantec claim that
> it's intent is DoS and that it is controlled by IRC, but that is *not*
> the case with this variant.
> The random TCP ports opened up by the Trojan DLL file show up as
> being run by Explorer.exe (the legitimate one) when using Fport until
> the first reboot. They then show as being run by rundll32. One of the
> ports is a wide-open HTTP Proxy. The other port is a standard SOCKS
> Proxy. These are being abused by spammers, who likely obtain the proxy
> info from the POST made to
> I think it is pretty clear that this operation is being run by
> spammers (or someone hired by them). I have seen at least six 
> different
> IP addresses abusing the open proxies on one host at the same time, so
> this appears to be an organized effort. I have seen at least six
> infections on campus, so this isn't an isolated incident. I 
> don't think
> what we have found has anything to do with DoS attacks and IRC like
> Symantec and McAfee claim in their write ups of Backdoor.Coreflood.
> Homemade Snort rules to detect this:
> alert tcp any any -> 80 (msg:"SPAM TROJAN\: Post Proxy
> Ports"; content:"|50 4F 53 54 20|"; classtype:bad-unknown;)
> alert tcp any any -> 80 (msg:"SPAM TROJAN\: GET
> tracker.exe"; content:"|47 45 54 20 2F 74 65 73 74 2F|";
> classtype:bad-unknown;)
> As of 16:30 GMT, Thursday, September 25, 2003, this activity still
> occurs. There is no telling how long these sites will be 
> active now that
> this information has been posted publicly.
> One student who was infected reported to me that Symantec AntiVirus CE
> could not delete or quarantine the Backdoor.Coreflood infected file,
> even in Safe Mode. This is consistant with the fact that I could not
> manually delete that file in Safe Mode either. They were 
> running Windows 98.
> It is unknown how the audio.exe file got onto the computer 
> hard drive in
> the first place.
> I have not yet notified abuse contacts of the ISPs of the IP addresses
> posted.
> Brian
> -- 
> Brian Eckman
> Security Analyst
> University of Minnesota
> "There are 10 types of people in this world. Those who
> understand binary and those who don't."

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