Your email address did not just get to me by sudden, but
through a sincere and confidential sarch for someone whom I will
trust to handle a transaction of a sensitive nature like this,
hence I came accross your contact.
My name
is Mr. Mohammed Hayatudeen, the Chief Executive Officer of FSB
International Bank in Nigeria, Africa. I have a client by name
steve Marson. He owned an oil well and was involved in crude oil
lifting and marketing in oil-rich Nigeria.
In the year 2001 he died in an auto-crash on
his way to the oil rig. Until his death, he runs a bank account
in my bank with a fixed deposit of $16.3m. For 2 years and 3
months, the money has been fixed with nobody coming to lay
claims on the money. And the banking policy in my country
stipulates that owners of fixed deposite acounts must sign
a certain document at the expiration of the period for which the
money was fixed indicating his interest to withdraw or allow the
money to remain with the bank.No documents has been signed in
respect of the money for the past 2 years now.
The remains of the man after his death has since been
carried to his home country Norway for burial. My personal
investigation has revealed that the man did not include
any data where he was meant to fill his next- of-kin. This
means, this money may remain in the bank without claims since he
was not married here nor have someone who has knowledge of the
deposit with us.
I am quite respectable as a
banker for 29years and have been held to a high esteem because
of my brilliant input to the bank. Handling this transaction
alone might be too suspecious , hence I request for the
assistance of a foreigner who will become the "next-of-kin" to
the Mr. Steve and claim the money.
This is
why I want to contact you to be the "next-of-kin" to Steve so as
to assist me in recuping this money. You need not come to Africa
to do this. You will be in your home while I supply you with all
the information and the required documents to quicken the claims
15% of the whole money will be yours at the
end of the deal for your assistance.
Please, if you are sure
you really want to assist, Contact me through
But remember, you must be straight foward and sincere
in your dealings in God's name and not to freeze the money once
it enters into your bank account.
Reply immediately.
Mohammed Hayatu-deen.