And this lack of response is due to what???  

When I worked for Cisco one of Cisco's customers detected a potential hacker
to his system.  That customer called the TAC and with-in minutes the FBI was
notified and that hacker was dealt with.  This customer was a small mom and
pop business in the middle of Arizona.

Interesting thing about DoS attacks is the attackers get away with it
because the people they attack do exactly what these two Black Listers did.
They rolled over and shut down.
In doing so they black list the whole world. 

We say we are fighting SPAM yet we advocate the use of bounce messages which
in return produce more SPAM.  We send messages letting folks, who did not
send the message, know the mail we just received contained a virus and even
include the original message.  What a wonderful way to get people to see my
SPAM.  I include a virus in my SPAM and then all the legitimate mail servers
will help me get it to people I don't know about. In the last week alone I
have rejected more "Microsoft Security Patch" mails that had the Virus
stripped already then I care to count.  The very first line in the mail...
This mail contained a virus....  Well damn if it contained a virus why did
you strip it and send it to me anyway. Delete the damn thing and stop
wasting my bandwidth.

Lets get real here.  If it smells like spam, it is SPAM.  We praise the
benefits of SpamAssassin yet WE do not trust it enough to delete messages.
I delete any message that scores 10 on above on the SPAM scale. Any message
5 or above that is left gets placed in a special folder which I check once a
week or so for false positives.  If I find one I globally whitelist the
sender.  If uvscan or clamv find a virus that message is deleted PERIOD.  I
never send a message to the reported sender.

We should encourage these blacklisters to report these DoS attacks and even
if possible assist them in identifying the attacker.  If we don't, we are
going to find them going away one by one. Then what is next - the spammers
attacking anyone using SPAM blocking software. 

Peter P. Benac, CCNA
Emacolet Networking Services, Inc
Providing Systems and Network Consulting, Training, Web Hosting Services
Phone: 919-847-1740 or 866-701-2345
Need quick reliable Systems or Network Management advice visit

To have principles...
             First have courage.. With principles comes integrity!!!

> -----Original Message-----
> [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On 
> Sent: Thursday, September 25, 2003 10:12
> To: 'SATalk list'
> Subject: RE: [SAtalk] SPAM, BLOCK: Death of DNSbl (fwd)
> "Peter P. Benac" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> OR worse they'll attack SourceForge!!!
> Yes Peter, that is the strategy.
> Rather than having the distribution of this information being 
> a cottage industry, go for the protection of our peers.
> I do believe that if whoever this spam friendly DDOSer is 
> tried to attack SourceForge, then a substantial response 
> would be mounted.
> If ISPs and government organisations, hopefully including 
> Battle Creek, MI, act as DNS servers, and they are attacked, 
> then a substantial response will be mounted.
> Right now, Osirusoft and Infinite Monkeys go down, and there 
> isn't even a ripple.
> Wrolf Courtney
> Donovan Data Systems, Inc.
> (212) 633-5470
> -------------------------------------------------------
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> Welcome to geek heaven.
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