Hello Stephen,

Tuesday, September 23, 2003, 3:09:51 PM, you wrote:

SR> hmmmm, i still don't understand why SA is not even looking at them
SR> though see's everything else?

Because the 150K attachment that comes with Swen is either
too big to be sent to SA (depending on how you have
configured SA), or else it is so big that though SA tries to
process it, it is failing due to an out-of-memory problem.
(When SA fails, it aborts, and the message simply goes

If you use procmail to call SA, you should prefilter for
viruses. I have caught 105 instances of Swen today alone,
411 total, with this procmail recipe:

#Win32.Swen.A - KILL
* >140000
* <190000
* BTM0hVGhpcyBwcm9ncmFtIGNhbm5vdCBiZSBydW4ga
{   LOG="SwenA"
    :0 h

If you have a high volume of email coming in, a virus with a
large attachment like Swen can end up causing a lot of
performance and memory problems with Spamassassin in any
case -- so basically it's best to prefilter this by whatever
tools are at your disposal.


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