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Hello John,

Friday, September 19, 2003, 8:59:47 AM, you wrote:

JP> I am a real newbie on this stuff. SpamAssassin is provided on my
JP> virtual server account at viaVerio and it's great.  But it misses a
JP> lot of spam related to that V-drug.  I want to add a rule that gives
JP> a large point value to the mention of  that certain V-drug or it's
JP> chemical name especially in the Subject .

Something like
> body  RM_b_V-drug    /[EMAIL PROTECTED]/i
but for the subject, right?

JP> [Apparently this server has such a rule already in place (!), so
JP> maybe I need to know how to update my "standard" spam rules that came
JP> with SpamAssassin's package?]

Yes.  The name of the rule is the same as the name of the drug. Use the
SCORE command/parameter like:
> score  V-drugname   5.00

JP> I have read the SpamAssassin documentation, but it's above my current
JP> level of expertise I guess, because it confuses the heck out of me.
JP> I need the syntax for rules and the location where they go (for
JP> systems-wide use).

What do you mean by "systems-wide use", and how much access do you have
to your full system?

For instance, can you modify files in the /etc/mail/spamassassin/
directory? That's where you would put actual system-wide parameters,
which would apply to all domains and all users within the system.

If so, create/modify a file called local.cf there (actually any
filename.cf will do, so you can organize your activity if you get carried
away). Supply the SCORE command (to over-ride the default score), and you
can add any additional rules you want here.

If like me you do not have access to that directory, chances are you have
access only to the $HOME/.spamassassin/user_prefs file. If so, then edit
that user_prefs file, and put your SCORE parameter in there.

Chances are that any rule definitions you put into user_prefs will be
ignored by the normal operating system, for performance and security
reasons. I have developed an add-on system which gives me the ability to
apply new rules via my user_prefs file, but you should become more
familiar with SpanAssassin before attempting to add my enhancement to
your system.

JP> Your help in pointing me in the correct direction would be most
JP> appreciated.

Hope I've helped.

Bob Menschel

Version: PGP 8.0


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