----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Matt Tencati" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: "Thomas Cameron" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Thursday, September 04, 2003 4:40 PM
Subject: Re: [SAtalk] Can base64 encoded messages learnable by sa-learn?

> I've been looking into the same situation actually.  I haven't gotten far
enough to try
> yet because of different things I've seen.  Domino changes the headers
around somewhat,
> especially the X-headers - converting them to X_ headers.  I'm not sure if
it even keeps
> them on a forwarded message (since I had a user forward me a false
positive and I had no
> X_SPAM_* headers from SA).

Yeah, my customer paid a Notes developer to suck out many of the lines of
the original message and create a text file.  Unfortunately, the only way he
knows to to get that to the Linux host is to forward it.  Not good.

> I'm looking into a method to archive (or log) all messages on the Linux
box prior to
> delivery to Domino.  Anyone have an easy way to do that either with SA or
sendmail?  I
> thought I had seen a document somewhere allowing mail to be delivered to a
> mailbox as well as the original recipients but can't find it now.

I have asked him if there's any way to make Notes dump the messages to plain
text files on the Notes server and then manually copy them to the Linux
server.  Then run sa-learn --file --spam on them.

> Thanks,
> Matt Tencati
> SAES Pure Gas, Inc.
> http://www.puregastechnologies.com

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