At 12:31 PM 8/30/03 +0200, Kai Schaetzl wrote:
I'm talking of a specific message, the one you use for "spamassassin -D
--lint" when I specify no message to process. I don't know how it looks like,
so I don't know if it should score as ham or spam. But there apparently must
be a message you use for that.

Ahh, This can be found in the source code for 2.55. It might be different in other versions, but it probably isn't.

From Mail-SpamAssassin-2.55/lib/Mail/'s lint_rules subroutine:

my @testmsg = ("From: [EMAIL PROTECTED]",
"Subject: \n",
"Message-Id: <".CORE::time()."[EMAIL PROTECTED]>\n", "\n",
"I need to make this message body somewhat long so TextCat preloads\n"x20);

Based on that, it should probably get a nonspam bayes score.. I think the only token that might look spamish would be the messageID, but that would only look spamish if your ham database didn't have any messages from systems that make trivial message IDs.

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