You are in
luck when using sendmail. You can use the ACCESS file to block known spammers. I
get the BL from
it is updated hourly. I have a quick script that adds this to my original access
file and creates the final version. Takes me 1 minutes to do by hand. I
could setup a cron job with wget, but I haven't got around to it.
the spamtrap
file has to be created by you. I'm not sure how mailscanner works, but my
procmail says that if spam scores over a 7.0, then copy the email to the
spamtrap file. Presto, instant corpus.
-----Original Message-----On Sat, 2003-08-23 at 11:41, Hannu Liljemark wrote:
From: myname [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Saturday, August 23, 2003 3:49 AM
To: Hannu Liljemark
Subject: Re: [SAtalk] How To generate a spammers domain listNo not the domain list which I supply, but the domain list which spamassasin discovers as spamOn Fri, Aug 22, 2003 at 11:56:00AM +0300, Ramprasad A Padmanabhan wrote: > Is there a way I can generate a list of domains of senders which are > marked as spam by spamassassin Sure, create a file in e.g. /usr/share/spamassassin/ dir that has blacklist_from lines. Restart spamd or kill HUP (if using 2.60) to re-read the settings. There are some existing projects doing this, such as