I am a Windoze user looking to broaden my horizons and just learning the ropes of Linux. I am  looking for a way to set up Spam Assassin locally to filter my mail.  I've been searching around and there are so many documents telling you so many different ways it's enough to make your head spin..

I'm running Red Hat 9, SA 2.44 (I believe) and I would like to set SA up as a sudo firewall between my client and the server. Is there an easy way to do this? I am on a DHCP connection so hosting the entire mail service is not really possible.

I am just getting fed up with the hundreds of spam I am getting each day. Changing my email address is not really an option. My email address is one of the primary contact points for the organization and it's gotten around quite a bit. Unfortunately it's fallen in to the wrong hands as well. I get quite a bit of legitimate unsolicited email so blocking all outside my address book is also not an option. The problem is due to the amount of spam I get, legitimate emails are lost or overlooked in the mess of spam, responses to valid emails that are noticed are delayed, you name it.

My host does have SA installed server side but it does not seem to be working properly, rather than hassle the host I'd rather learn how to configure it myself, that way I can have more control over the service than I could using it on a remote host.  My ultimate goal is to have SA automatically toss the spam in the trash without even bothering me with it.

I've installed postfix, and sendmail but have no idea how to get either of these services to run with spam assassin or if it can be done. I've tried a few of the possibilitys I've seen on the countless web documents I've found and none of them seem to work at all.. I have no idea what I'm doing wrong.

Randall J Berry
The Maryland Geocaching Society

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