At 8/22/03 04:31 PM , Jonathan Nichols wrote:
I want to SHOOT this spammer. Repeatedly. These ALWAYS pop in at 4.9,
always using "jnichols@(" too. Grrr....

Hmmm.... looks like you could add a rule or two to stop seeing it. Like:

D0wn 0n the farm, a g1rl can rea11y get a nice full l0ad on the face:

Push th1s to st0p your future newz:[EMAIL PROTECTED]

body RULE_1 /\bg1rl\b/ score RULE_1 0.1 body RULE_2 /\bnewz\b/i score RULE_2 0.1 uri RULE_3 /\?id=jnichols/ score RULE_3 0.1

Plus "describe" lines as you see fit. Note that I haven't tested the regex on RULE_3 yet; I think it's correct, but test it before deploying it.

                                                --Kai MacTane
"And when I squinted/The world seemed rose-tinted;
 Angels appeared to descend..."
                                                --Depeche Mode,
                                                 "Waiting for the Night"

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