While we have discussed catching random letters, I wanted to go over a
finding. If you use my OBFU rules, or change Fred's to rawbody, there is one
instance of FPs you can watch out for. (Both sets found on the wiki

Emails written in Word will tend to hit these rawbody rules due to encoding.

Only thing you can do is setup a Meta to make sure it isn't an email written
in word, or give emails written in word a negative score. Whichever you
choose, pick an obscure way to determine it is an email written in word.
Don't go for the obvious. 

The more obscure the better. Also keep in mind that different versions of
word have different encoding. So I would make separate obscure rules. This
way spammers can't start falsifying word emails. Even if they do, you would
have not based the rule on an obvious Word tag. 

Chris Santerre 
System Admin and SA Custom Rules Emporium keeper 
"A little nonsense now and then, is relished by the wisest men." - Willy

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