
I've run sa-learn over 300 spam emails (quite few, I know) und much more
ham emails.

ls -al .spamassassin/ looks good:
insgesamt 3772
drwx------    4096 2003-08-22 19:39 .
drwxr-xr-x    8192 2003-08-22 19:31 ..
-rw-------    2016 2003-08-22 19:39 bayes_msgcount
-rw-------  667648 2003-08-22 19:39 bayes_seen
-rw------- 5054464 2003-08-22 19:39 bayes_toks
-rw-r--r--    1269 2003-08-20 19:39 user_prefs

I've set "use_bayes 1" in .spamassassin/user_prefs and the
/etc/spamassassin but I cannout see that SA has used that database. How
does SA rate the Bayesian possibilities and how does it write it into
the message?

TIA  Martin
   www.bretschneidernet.de    OpenPGP_0x4EA52583        ICQ_110543824
            _o)(o_                 Philip R. Zimmermann:
          -./\\//\.-              If privacy is outlawed,
           _\_VV_/_           only outlaws will have privacy.

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