This in your local cf

bayes_file_mode 0770
bayes_path /path/to/bayes

Ensure that your bayes files are owned by dupond and that they are in a
group which contains the user id that you wish to run sa-learn as.

-----Original Message-----
Sent: 18 August 2003 13:24
To: spamassassin-talk
Subject: [SAtalk] [newbie]systemwide bayes and files

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In first, accept my apologize for my very poor english.

I just run a system wide SpamAssassin, with Postfix MTA.
I have a user "dupond" for runnind spamd and spamc.
The Bayes's files are owned by him, but this user haven't shell or
password on
the system. How to run sa-learn in this case ? (I am a super user on
this system)

in /etc/mail/ ? with auto-whitelist-path
and bayes-path /home/dupond/.spamassassin/bayes/ ?

Thanks by advance, and sorry for my bad language.

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