Have you thought about just letting the users use the rules wizard to have
each user deliver the spam to a 'spam' folder in their own mailbox?  

Another other option would be to use Procmail.  I created recipies that will
provide global tagging or per-user tagging, administrative notifications,
etc.  You could use a similar concept that upon delivery, a notification
would be sent to the users.  However, now the users will get x number of
notifications rather than x spams.

Along the Procmail idea, you could deliver the message to a Public Folder
that only the user has rights to.  It is an idea but I would not choose it.
I think it has too much administrative overhead and complicates the delivery

My opinion would be to let the users sort out their own messages in a spam
subfolder.  They don't bother you about FPs and they don't worry about FPs.


>-----Original Message-----
>From: Test, James
>My setup is internet --> exim 4.20 (linux) --> spamassassin 
>2.60 (linux) --> exchange 2000.  Emails flagged as spam go to 
>a spambox on the exchange server (so I can retrieve false 
>positives if necessary).
>I currently have a group of about 200 or so involved in 
>testing the spam filtering and its working great.  There are 
>the occasional false positives, which is of great concern to the users.
>I'm trying to figure out a way to either email some kind of 
>report of the spams a user gets so they can check for false 
>positives if they want, or some way for users to only check 
>their spams on the exchange server.
>Anyone have any ideas, or have something like this implemented?

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