I wrote a quick eval function that work as a proof-of-concept. It doesn't look at the headers at all... instead it uses the current system time and *assumes* that the email is being scanned within a few minutes of being received by the local server. I am aware that this is a weak assumption in many (most?) cases, but this code has the advantage of being absolutely immune to forged Date: or Received: headers.
** Append to EvalTests.pm
# This function expects $min and $max strings in "HHMM" format WITHOUT A LEADING "0"
# $min < $max : Returns 1 if the CURRENT time is between $min and $max
# $min > $max : Returns 1 if the CURRENT time is NOT between $min and $max ; this
# corresponds to the situation when a time-span includes midnight
# You can use META rules to create more complicated time spans if you need them
sub received_between {
my ($self, $min, $max) = @_;
local ($_);
my ($sec,$minute,$hour,$mday,$mon,$year,$wday,$yday,$isdst) = localtime();
my $timeVal = ($hour * 100) + $minute;
if ($min <= $max) {
return 1 if (($timeVal > $min) && ($timeVal < $max));
else {
return 1 if (($timeVal > $min) || ($timeVal < $max));
return 0;
** Append to 20_head_tests.cf
header RECVD_OUTSIDE_BUS_HOURS eval:received_between("1900","800")
describe RECVD_OUTSIDE_BUS_HOURS The CURRENT time is outside of business hours
header RECVD_BUS_HOURS eval:received_between("800","1900")
describe RECVD_BUS_HOURS The CURRENT time is inside of business hours
** Append to 50_scores.cf or local.cf (I'm an ISP, and prefer false-negatives over false-positives within reason)
score RECVD_BUS_HOURS -0.33
At 09:36 AM 8/5/2003 -0400, you wrote:
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Ernest W. Lessenger [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
> Sent: Tuesday, August 05, 2003 3:36 AM
> Subject: Re: [SAtalk] Re: Creating rule for time accepted
> At 12:40 AM 8/5/2003 -0500, you wrote:
> > my $timeString = sprintf("%02d%02d", $hour, $min);
> >
> >This is some really great work, by the way. :)
> Thanks and thanks :) Hope it comes in useful.
> --Ernest
Cool! For the perl inepdt, can you post a fixed version of the code?
Can I add this to a section of the Emporium? After tested of course :)
Chris Santerre
System Admin and SA Custom Rules Emporium keeper
"A little nonsense now and then, is relished by the wisest men." - Willy