----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Clark I Anderson" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Sunday, August 10, 2003 4:19 PM
Subject: [SAtalk] FORGED From: myself? use of unwhitelist_from ??

> 1) I do not know of anything I can do to stop Forgers from using
> my good email address to SPAM others!

Well, you cannot stop them from sticking your email address in their
headers, and sending it out to the rest world (using their own servers, that
is). But you can prevent incoming fake mail with your email address. It is
one of the reasons I have all outgoing mail, sent through my smtp server,
signed with a PGP signature. That is why mail from my domain cannot be
forged. And I call, within SA, an eval function to check for a valid
signature on incoming mail.

That requires, of course, that you tinker a bit with your smtp server, to
make it all happen. :)

- Mark

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