Is it possible to have the attachemt only, piped into sa-learn ?

On Mon, 2003-08-11 at 16:31, Matt Kettler wrote:
> At 10:45 AM 8/11/2003 -0400, Russell Premont wrote:
> >setup an address that users could forward spam to, so I could then run
> >sa-learn on the mail folder. My question is can I use sa-learn in this
> >manner or will it also pick up the addresses that forwarded the mail to the
> >spam account also?
> It won't pick up the addresses... bayes doesn't work that way...
> It will however pick up on the body and header modifications that result 
> from forwarding, so it will mis-learn as a result of that.
> Unfortunately a pure, completely unmodified message is pretty much the only 
> reasonable input to sa-learn.
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