This is answered once a day, thank you Matt Kettler for posting the answer:
Read the manpage.. this is disabled by default in 2.55 for security
paranoia reasons, at least when you're running spamd it is. If you add
"allow_user_rules" to, then rules in user_prefs will be parsed.

The reason it's disabled is to prevent the possibility of a malicious
non-root user from abusing the regexes to do evil things like open pipes,
etc in the name of spamd. I don't think there's any direct holes in SA
along these lines, but disabling it by default is a good paranoid stance to
prevent possible exploits.

Frederic Tarasevicius
Internet Information Services, Inc.

----- Original Message ----- 
Sent: Monday, August 11, 2003 5:40 AM
Subject: [SAtalk] arrggggh, i can't apply my wonderful rules

> hi everybody,
> i've just written wonderful rules ;) and whenever i test them by sending
> suspicious mails, SA doesn't give a damn about them.
> I put the rules in my user_prefs file, and i really can't see what's
> wrong...
> The rules are from me, and also from the web. I think there are quite
> reliable... i don't see any syntaxic error...
> Tim
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