I've been using SpamAssassin for a couple weeks now, so I'm still pretty
new to it.  I have use_bayes 1 and auto_learn 1 in my
.spamassassin/user_prefs file so shouldn't that mean that it autolearns
from my email?

If I run "sa-learn --ham --mbox some_folder", it learns from the
contents of the folder.  When I run it again, it says that it learned
from 0 messages.  Well, if all these messages are new since I started
using spamassassin, shouldn't it learn from 0 messages the FIRST time I
run sa-learn?

I read somewhere on this list that auto bayes learning only happens for
emails that score above or below a certain number, so it doesn't
auto-learn from emails that are in the "grey-zone" between spam and ham.
Maybe that's what's happening here?  I move my false positives and
negatives into separate folders for bayes relearning, so in my setup at
least I don't think I'd care if bayes learned some emails incorrectly as
I'd correct it manually later.  If anybody can tell me what's going on
and what I'm missing, I'd appreciate it.

- Andrew.

Andrew Clarke - president, clarke.ca inc.
[EMAIL PROTECTED] | http://www.clarke.ca

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