> -----Original Message-----
> From: Gary Funck [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
> Sent: Saturday, August 02, 2003 4:30 PM
> To: Spamassassin List
> Subject: [SAtalk] How to detect *only* obfuscated strings?
> Simple example:
> /(Rem(o|0)ve|Delete).{0,10}y(o|0)ur.{0,10}(e[-]?mai(l|1)|address)/i
> describe REMOVE_OBFUSCATE       Remove y0ur e-mail
> Above, this pattern will match (among other things):
>    Remove your e-mail
>    Rem0ve y0ur e-mai1
> where the second string has been obfuscated by replacing 'o' 
> with '0' and
> 'l' with '1'.
> Let's say that I think the odds of a spam are higher if the 
> obfuscated form is
> used, than when the regular form is used. Can you suggest a 
> way to modify this
> pattern
> so that the pattern only matches obfuscated uses? Note: to 
> meet my definition
> of
> obfuscated, only one of the substitutions above must appear. 
> For example,
>    Remove y0ur e-mail
> will suffice as an obfuscated form of "Remove your e-mail".

I'm a little behind in reading and writing today :)

You could try the NOT function, that's what I call it :)

/rem[^o]ve/i  would give you everything BUT remove with an 'o'. But then if
you place this in a rule with a phrase like above, and they OBFU just the
word 'your' then he rule will fail to hit. This may be a case of using a
single word OBFU rule rather then a phrase. As any OBFU is usually spam. 

Score it low. 

Remember to look for possible FPs! Typical example is /f.?r.?e.?e/i tries to
look for FREE OBFU, but will hit on the word FOREVER :)

Remember to start threads about rules with [RD] in the subject. :oP

Chris Santerre 
System Admin and SA Custom Rules Emporium keeper 
"A little nonsense now and then, is relished by the wisest men." - Willy

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