> Here's a rule I wrote to score two letter domains.  I am not banning mail

You forgot me. Though I don't spam, so ....

I guess I can't speak for the other people who shell'ed out $$ for a .sh
domain. I'd just hate to start getting marked as spam, or at least
starting out at 3.0.

> header FROM_FOREIGN_DOM               From =~ /[EMAIL 
> PROTECTED](?:at|au|be|br|ca|cc|ch|cl|cn|cz|de|dk|fr|fi|il|it|jp|kr|lv|mn|nl|no|nz|pl|ro|ru|se|tr|tw|tv|uk|us|za)\>/i
> describe FROM_FOREIGN_DOM     Domain is two-letter foreign address
> score FROM_FOREIGN_DOM                3.0

It's always September somewhere on the 'net. | http://angui.sh
Another proud member of Eep's killfile.      | Unix Sys. Admin.
All projects approach the ghetto, some       |
faster than others.                          | [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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